Scots do love an argument, especially over topics that outsiders may consider to be strange.
The names of different foods, clothes, footwear, and what should go on chips are all hot debate topics across the nation and can often spark a rammy among friends.
A brief chat on any of these and many other subjects will quickly prove that there are many hills Scots are willing to die on.
This got us thinking about what questions are likely to get a room full of Scots heated, so we've gathered some of our all time favourites.
Let us know what your thoughts on each one in the comments section below, or if we've missed any that are close to your heart.
1. What do you call the first and last slices on a loaf of bread?

Guaranteed to set the cat among the pigeons, this age-old argument is always a good one.
We've heard answers ranging from butt and heel, to ender and the outsider - which we consider to be the correct term.
2. What do you call this?

“In Germany, there’s a sausage on every corner while in Scotland there’s a corner on every sausage,” said somebody, somewhere once.
But the arguments around the name of this Scottish favourite got so heated that it even led to one man starting his own social media campaign, creating a Facebook page called: "Scotland, where it's SLICE, NOT!! Sausage, Lorne, round or square, it's slice!"
We are happy for you to call it whatever you like, so long as it's not 'sausedge' which was attempted by one UK supermarket a few years ago. Needless to say the move did not go down well with Scots.
3. What is this the name of this lunch time treat?

A favourite treat of many Scots, chippie chips lovingly squashed between a fresh roll and smothered in salt and vinegar or salt and sauce but what would you call it?
Answers vary depending on where you are in Scotland but you'll hear everything from a roll and chips, a chip roll or even a chip butty.
4. Gutties, plimsolls or sannies?

Absolutely everyone owned a pair of them. The little black school shoes most of us were forced to wear to do PE, or worse, country dancing.
But what did you call them?
5. Is the sun splitting the trees, the sky, or the pavement?
An oldie but a goodie, the main sides people seem to lie on for this well-worn phrase for a sunny day will be sky or trees.
However, some people will say the pavements, or stranger still... the stones.
6. Salt and vinegar vs salt and sauce

The quickest way to find the west coast/east coast divide in any room is to start the sentence "salt and..." and see who finishes it with either vinegar or sauce.
West coasters (as well as a lot of the rest of the country) will swear by vinegar on the suppers but when it comes to Edinburgh and the Lothians, sauce is the only option.
7. What do you call a piggy-back?
Glasgow Live recently did a study and found that Glasgow has no less than 14 different words for what others would term as a piggyback.
While Cokeyback and Co-carry are popular in Glasgow, Dundee uses Cuddyback and people from Fife say Callycode.
8. Housecoat, bathrobe, goonie or dressing gown?

Traditionally Scots would have called it a 'goonie' but nowadays you'll hear it referred to as one of the above.
Our favourite regional variant for items of clothing you wear around the house though, has to be what people in Fife call slippers - Baffies.
9. Ginger vs Juice
Parody news site the Daily Mash kicked off a bit of a stooshie when they said all Scots refer to soft drinks as "juice", leading to many responding that it's actually ginger in many parts of the country.
What do you say?
10. Earie wig or Forkie Tail?

What do you call this well known insect?
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