If you have a landline phone in your home, you'll need to prepare if you want to keep using the device as a big change is coming soon.
The cables that allow the analogue devices to function will soon be switched off to make way for broadband powered technology. In preparation, BT has announced when different areas will be affected - including Scotland - as the provider is staggering the upgrades to make the transition as seamless as possible.
Scotland and the north east of the UK will not see the update for another while. Elsewhere, the North West and London will be affected from autumn 2023.
The upgrade aimed to strengthen telecommunications services for the future will see obsolete copper cables replaced by VoIP (Voice over Internet Protocol) technology.
Households with internet access already likely won't experience disruption from the update, but the same can't be said for broadband-free households, as their devices won't work without it. The Mirror reports such homes who want to continue making landline calls will have to have broadband installed.

This will then be followed by the West Midlands, the South East, Wales, and East Anglia which can expect the switch in Spring 2024.
BT says all customers who are switched over will not pay extra for the new service, but if your existing home phone does not work with digital voice you’ll have to order a new one. The firm says 99% of current handsets will work, though.
“If we’ve not been in touch or visited your area yet, don’t worry. We’ll be in touch when it’s time to switch,” said Lucy Baker MBE, All-IP Director, BT Consumer. “For anyone who has any issues, questions or concerns, then I’d encourage them to get in touch and let us know.”
With some homes still having no broadband access, there are calls to ensure customers of all ages are properly supported throughout the process with fears that the older population who rely heavily on landlines will get left behind.
"There are important advantages to going digital - such as a clearer connection - but it is essential that no-one gets left behind in the move away from traditional landlines,” said Rocio Concha, Director of Policy and Advocacy at Which?.
"Vulnerable consumers will need extra support to make the switch. All providers must put clear plans in place to make sure everyone has the help they need - including clear communications, giving proper notice ahead of switching and providing extra assistance if needed."
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