People looking to renew their driving licence in Scotland and the rest of the UK are being issued a warning after a technical error increased both the time it takes to apply for and the price of new documents.
A technical error at the Vehicle Licensing Agency (DVLA) has affected anyone using recently issued passports to renew their licence, resulting in an extra £7.50 charge.
The hold-up and price increase impacts anyone renewing their licence using a passport issued since 2016. The issues mean that drivers could be forced to visit a Post Office and pay fees that are 54 per cent higher compared to online renewal costs. Those with a post-Brexit passport have received a pop-up message to explain renewal applications cannot be completed due to their "invalid" document, reports Birmingham Live.
Those unable to complete their renewal application online are advised by the DVLA to complete the process at a participating post office for a fee of £21.50. Postal applications incur a fee of £17 plus a postage fee, meaning they will cost £7.50 more than online applications. Forms have to be picked up from participating post offices, meaning the process can take longer.
Helen Taylor, who lives in the Highlands of Scotland, told the Guardian: “My husband and I renewed our passports at the same time in 2020. My husband successfully renewed his driving licence online but I could not.
"The post office required me to scribble my name with my finger on a tablet. My driving licence arrived with the crude scribble in the signature box.”
Nigel Barnett has also been impacted by the online issue. He said: “It was an hour and a half’s trip, an increased fee and a long wait for something I should have been able to do online in 10 minutes. I can’t walk far due to arthritis in my knees, and the queueing caused me a lot of pain.”

A DVLA spokesperson said: “For the vast majority of drivers choosing to renew their driving licence online, we are able to use the digital signature directly from the Passport Office."
The DVLA went on to advise anyone affected by the issue, adding: "For those who do not have a signature on file with the Passport Office, we are currently working on a solution which will allow them to apply online, which we hope to launch later this year.”
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